
In an era where Pacific languages are endangered and cultural knowledge gaps are widening, we exist to revitalise and strengthen cultural knowledge and identity in young people.

The Vision

Our mana-enhancing platform is the leading digital learning resource for all young Pacific learners globally.

Our Mission

We design, create and make accessible culturally-responsive digital resources for young learners.

Working with and for our local communities

We enjoy working with and for our local communities. We welcome collaborations with community groups and other organisations who share the same passion and vision.

Meet the team

Community Feedback

  • 100% rated the Pacific Digital Stories project as ‘extremely valuable’
  • 94% felt that the PDS project respected their culture, faith and beliefs
  • Pacific families can feel confident in supporting their children’s education when they are invited to contribute their knowledge and histories via PKL projects (disagree - 0%, neutral - 0%, agree 12.5%, strongly agree 87.5%)
  • PKL Showcase: The animations shared today show how our Pacific languages and cultures can continue to grow and thrive online (disagree - 0%, neutral - 0%, agree 16.1%, strongly agree 83.9%)


Auckland Airport Community Trust
Ministry of Education
Ministry for Pacific Peoples
Pasifika TV